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Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Akper Kesdam I/BB Medan
ISSN : 25279548     EISSN : 26150441     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health, Social,
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Akper Kesdam I/BB Medan (JURHESTI) merupakan jurnal yang berisi tentang penelitian-penelitian dari para dosen atau staf pengajar dan para akademisi yang tertarik meneliti dan memberikan ilmu tentang keperawatan, kesehatan dan ilmu psikologi keperawatan yang membahas mengenai penelitian-penelitian terbarukan di dunia keperawatan, kesehatan, kebidanan, dan psikologi keperawatan.
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Articles 13 Documents
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Pengaruh Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation terhadap Kekuatan Fungsi Prehension Cylindrical Grip pada Pasien Stroke Non-Hemoragik Sabirin Berampu; Elsaria Br Sembiring
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.238


Stroke is a disease that is most commonly found today, stroke has a high mortality and disability rate. Stroke can cause physical disability in productive age and old age. This study aims to determine the effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) on the strength of the prehension Cylindrical grip function in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design, one group pretest and posttest, the samples were taken by purposive sampling, namely non-hemorrhagic stroke patients who visited the physiotherapy poly at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. The results showed a p-value of 0.001 which means that there is an effect of PNF on the strength of the prehension Cylindrical grip function in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients.
Pengaruh Metode Kangguru terhadap Penurunan Suhu Tubuh, Frekuensi Menyusu dan Durasi Tidur Bayi Ritonga, Nikmah Jalilah; Sitorus, Riris; Pulungan, Susi Andriany
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.243


Immunizations sometimes have side effects once they are given to babies. DPT immunization is one that has a low-grade fever side effect and sometimes results in high fever and seizures. One of the efforts to treat fever in infants is the kangaroo method. Through this method, heat transfer occurs between mother and baby, increasing the frequency of breastfeeding which can meet the fluid needs of the feverish baby and facilitate the baby in increasing the duration of quiet sleep, less crying and less activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the kangaroo method on decreasing body temperature, feeding frequency and infant sleep duration. Sampling using Porbability Sampling with Simple Random Sampling technique, totaling 30 people and divided into 2 groups of 15 people each, namely the experimental and control groups. The results of the analysis are based on several assumptions of One way MANOVA, namely there is linearity between variables, the data is normally distributed, multicollinearity is not detected and the covariance matrix between groups is assumed to be the same as the Box'M value p = 0.006 > 0.001. The results of the multivariate test showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups with a value of F (3.26) = 49.334, p< 0.001; Wilk’s ʌ 0.149, ƞp2 = 0.851, then the univariate results showed that group differences caused significant differences in body temperature, feeding frequency and sleep duration with p < 0.001. The results of the bonferroni correction further test showed that the average decrease in body temperature, feeding frequency and duration of infant sleep in the experimental group was better than the control group with p < 0.001. This study proves that the kangaroo method has an effect on decreasing body temperature, breastfeeding frequency and infant sleep duration after DPT immunization.
Analisis Risiko dan Determinan Kejadian Kecelakaan Kerja di Pabrik Minyak Kelapa Sawit Eka Rini, Willia Novita; Aswin, Budi; Hidayati, Fajrina
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.248


Safety at work is a series of safety related to machines, work tools, materials and work processes, workplace and environment as well as working methods. Jambi Province is an area that has extensive plantation land, especially for oil palm plantations, based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics at Provinceof Jambi in 2018. PT. X was experienced the highest incidence of work accidents in the 2017-2019 range in Jambi Province. This study aims to analyze the risks and determinants of workplace accidents at the palm oil mill at PT. X as an effort to prevent work accidents. This research is analytical research. The population of this study were all workers in the production division of PT. X as many as 96 people consisting of two work shifts and were also used as samples in this study. The data will be analyzed to see the relationship between variables using the Chi-Square test with (α = 0.05). There is a relationship between the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE), environmental factors and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with the incidence of work accidents in the production division workers of PT. X while working period, attitude, training and equipment safety are not related in this study.
Pengembangan Program Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi COVID-19 dalam Mempertahankan Status Kesehatan pada Tenaga Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Kota Medan Hasibuan, Muhammad Taufik Daniel; Silaen, Harsudianto
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.239


The COVID-19 infection prevention and control program in hospitals is an effort to provide guidance for health workers to stay healthy, safe, productive, and the community gets services that meet standards. Health workers who work in hospitals are very vulnerable to being exposed to  COVID -19, so it is very important that health workers and policy makers understand the basic concepts of infectious diseases. The purpose of this study was to develop a program to prevent and control covid-19 infection in maintaining the health status of health workers at the Medan City Hospital. The type of research used is action research. The participants in this study were 14 people consisting of 2 parts, namely 1) Participants for qualitative data were taken from managerial such as medical services, nursing, medical records, infection prevention and control units, and the head of the room. 2) Participants for quantitative data are taken from health workers, namely nurses. Data collection in this study used various methods, namely individual interviews, observation, self-report, focus group discussions and several data collection tools, namely interview guides, focus group discussion guides, questionnaires, observation sheets, and supporting tools, namely voice recorders. The results of this study obtained outputs, namely standard operating procedures for the prevention and control of covid-19 infection, and from the results of health status checks on health workers from before and after the implementation of the  COVID -19 infection prevention and control program, the results were before (PCR/Antigen: Negative). 71.43%, Positive: 28.57%; Vital sign normal: 85.71%, Abnormal 14.29%), and after (PCR/Antigen: Negative 85.71%, Positive: 14.29%; Vital sign normal: 100%). This proves that there is an influence of the Covid-19 infection prevention and control program in maintaining the health status of health workers in hospitals. Suggestions to hospital leaders to continue to evaluate prevention and control programs for COVID-19 infection in accordance with developments and the situation at hand.
Hubungan Dukungan Sosial dan Pemberitaan Media dengan Kecemasan Ibu Menjalani Kehamilan Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Medan Tahun 2020 Hutahaean, Masta Melati; Wahyu, Afnizar
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.244


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one indicator to see the success of maternal health efforts. Since WHO officially declared the corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) as a pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit almost all countries in the world and has an impact on various health and non-health sectors. It is undeniable that this condition will cause maternal anxiety during pregnancy. The sampling technique in this study was carried out by the quota sampling technique. Analyzed by chi-square test. The results of the study on the relationship between social support and maternal anxiety during pregnancy showed that there was a relationship between social support and maternal anxiety during pregnancy (p value 0.003) with an OR of 3.187 which means that pregnant women with good social support have an estimated chance of 3.187 times experiencing mild anxiety levels. compared to pregnant women with less social support. In addition, the results of the study show that there is a relationship between media coverage and maternal anxiety during pregnancy (p value < 0.001) with an OR of 4.56 which means that pregnant women who are exposed to positive media coverage have an estimated 4.56 times chance of experiencing mild anxiety levels compared to those who are exposed to positive media coverage. pregnant women with negative media coverage. It can be concluded that social support and media coverage have been shown to be associated with maternal anxiety during pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is recommended for health workers to be able to adapt to health services that are adapted to health protocols that focus on efforts to promote health, prevent disease and empower pregnant women. Although visits to health facilities are only prioritized for pregnant women who have problems, health workers are still required to be able to innovate in developing education for pregnant women with various media that can be reached by all pregnant women.
Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Anak Jalanan tentang Dismenore Primer dan Senam Dismenore di Komunitas Peduli Anak Jalanan Medan Nur Asnah Sitohang; Diah Lestari Nasution
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.249


Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as cramping pain in the lower abdomen that occurs at the start of menstruation in the absence of identifiable pelvic disease. It is one of the most common gynecological symptoms among adolescents and adult women with a prevalence of 45%-95%. Overproduction of uterine prostaglandins is the most widely accepted explanation for the pathogenesis. Excessive release of prostaglandins, especially prostaglandin F2 alpha, which is derived from endometrial secretions from menstrual fluid, is believed to cause the condition. Primary dysmenorrhea has different degrees of negative impact on women's physical, psychological and social functioning, which can result in adolescent and adult women being out of school and absent from work. The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and attitudes of street children towards primary dysmenorrhea and dysmenorrhea exercise. The research design is descriptive. The sampling technique is total sampling. The number of samples is 45 people. The sample criteria for street children are teenage girls aged 10-18 years, unmarried, already menstruating, can read and write well. Data analysis is descriptive. The results of the study obtained that the majority of street children's knowledge of adolescents was good (53.3%), dysmenorrhea intensity was moderate pain with a score range of 4-7 (68.9%) and adolescent attitudes were negative (71.1%). Knowledge of respondents still needs to be improved to form a positive attitude. It is recommended to the head of KOPA to cooperate with health workers to conduct health education about primary dysmenorrhea on a regular basis to adolescent street children.
Pengaruh Metode Mc Kenzie Exercise dan Core Stability Exercise terhadap Penurunan Nyeri pada Penderita Hernia Nucleus Pulposus Redi Tantangan; Siti Sarah Bintang; Samuel Ginting
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.240


Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) is one of the causes of lower back pain due to heavy mechanical loads for a long time. HNP if not treated immediately it can cause fluid buildup and swelling that can cause permanent nerve damage. This study is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control group divided into 3 groups. The sampling technique was using probability sampling method as many as 30 respondents who visited Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. The results of the statistical test showed that there was an effect of McKenzie and Core Stability Exercise on reducing pain in patients with HNP with a p value of 0.020 <0.05.
Pengaruh Hypnopressure terhadap Produksi Air Susu Ibu (ASI) dan Kepercayaan Diri Menyusui Diah Evawanna Anuhgera; Elsaria Sembiring
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.245


Breastfeeding is an obligation that must be given to babies during their growth period. Consistent breast milk production and confidence to breastfeed are very necessary for the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Hypnopressure is one method that can increaseand maintain breastmilk production and breastfeeding confidence. The purpose of this project is to analyze the effect of hypnopressure on breast milk production and breastfeeding confidence. This study uses Quasy Eksperimental with Pretest dan Posttest Controlled Group Design. There were 28 postpartum mothers who were divided into two groups and taken with simple random sampling. Production of breast milk was measured by electric breast pump and breastfeeding sel efficacy was measured Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Scale (BSES). Data were analyzed using paired and unpaired t-test. Primary outcomes of this study will be effect of the intervention on breastmilk production and breastfeeding confidence. We conclude that hypnopressure could improve breastmilk production (p=0.00) and breasfeeding confidence (p=0.00) and breastfeeding confidence (p=0.00). Result of this greater understanding about increase breast milk production and confidence which influence the success of breastfeeding by hypnopressure then be useful targets for  midwife intervention in post partum.
Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Oksigenasi Pasien Asthma Bronchiale dengan Teknik Relaksasi Batuk Efektif Nurleli Nurleli; Ainayya Afninda Utami; Erita Gustina; Suvi Novida
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.250


Bronchial asthma is a disease of respiratory tract obstruction caused by muscle contraction, inflammation, and accumulation of secretions around the bronchi. Meeting the need for oxygenation is part of the management of asthmatic bronchial patients. This case study aims to describe the fulfillment of oxygenation needs. The case study method uses a descriptive design with a nursing care approach in the same two cases, namely respondents with bronchial asthma. The case study was conducted at the Putri Hijau Kindergarten II Hospital from October to December 2018. The data collection method was through interviews, physical examinations, supporting examinations, using the assessment format as an instrument in data collection. After intervention with effective cough relaxation techniques as well as collaboration in the administration of drug and oxygen therapy, during four days of treatment, both respondents were able to meet their oxygenation needs optimally. It was concluded that the intervention had an effect on the effectiveness of airway clearance so as to eliminate shortness of breath, based on this study, it is hoped that it can be applied by health workforce.
Efektivitas Daun Seledri terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipertensi di Puskesmas Pembantu Berngam Kota Binjai Tahun 2021 Irma Handayani; Sri Wahyuni
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.241


Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure by providing further symptoms to a target organ including stroke (in the brain), coronary heart disease (in the heart blood vessels) and right ventricular hypertrophy or left ventricular hypertrophy (for the heart muscle). The target organ in the brain is in the form of stroke, hypertension is the main cause of stroke which brings high mortality. Management of hypertension can be managed with non-pharmacological measures such as giving celery leaves. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of giving celery leaves to reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension at the Pembantu Berngam Health Center, Binjai City in 2021. This type of research was a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design with one type of treatment. This study uses an intervention that is giving celery leaves by boiling. The intervention was given once in the morning by giving 100 grams of boiled celery for 5 days. The number of samples of 30 respondents with 15 people as the control group and 15 people in the intervention group were taken by accidental sampling. The results of the average blood pressure before and after giving boiled celery in the treatment group with systolic blood pressure p-value is 0.00, diastolic blood pressure p-value is 0.00. The results of statistical tests using the Wilcoxon test for both systolic and distolic pressure in the group not given celery were tilapia p-value > 0.05, namely systolic pressure p-value 0.07 and distolic p-value 0.05. The results of the Mann Whitney U statistical test analysis for systolic and distolic blood pressure obtained a p-value of 0.047 and a diastolic pressure p-value of 0.01 or a p-value <0.05, which means that there is an effectiveness of giving celery leaves in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients at the Berngam Binjai sub-health center. It is hoped that health workers will be able to apply complementary therapy to patients with hypertension in maintaining and lowering blood pressure.

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